Traditions Behind Ankara Print Clothing

Incorporating prints into our own style is a well-known fact. Intricate patterns that depict African culture, custom, and history may be seen in African-based Ankara prints. The origin of Ankara fabric and African designs may be interesting to you, whether you're trying to convey a narrative with your African print clothing or just want to seem more fashionable.

The Ankara print varies from region to region and this is seen by various African traditions being used in costume wear such as for parties and weddings. Even though it’s not very common that prints are incorporated into our lifestyles, I think there's much more demand for customized Ankara clothing as opposed to mass-produced versions.

What Is Ankara Fabric?

The material that is used to make African prints is called Ankara fabric. This fabric is also referred to as African wax prints cloth, Holland wax, or Dutch wax. Ankara is a kind of fabric that has long been associated with traditional clothing in Africa; it is known for featuring African patterns on its surface. In comparison to other printed textiles, which tend to lose their colour and pattern more quickly, the African design intensity of an Ankara cloth is one of its most appealing characteristics. The culprit behind this is a printing technique that is wax-resistant.

In addition to being dyed, wax is applied to the cloth before decoration, and then the fabric is put into a hot press to allow the wax to freeze the dye. Wax resists mildew, which makes it a good alternative for keeping clothing from getting worn out. It also means that African Ankara fabric has a longer lifespan than other printed goods.

The beauty of this cloth lies in its resistance to fading and ability to mimic different colours depending on which colour dye is added during printing. Since this type of cloth is extremely durable, it's a great alternative for fashion stylists who want their outfits to last longer.

Ankara Print Outfits are Popular Everywhere

Since it is known to be a durable material and has been used for a long time, many people see the Ankara print as an African style that is suitable for any situation. Moreover, this fabric can be used to create dresses, shirts, pants and accessories, it's considered convenient for young African children who want to look nicely dressed at home and for older Africans who need something more interesting than plain material in the form of clothing.

Another advantage of the Ankara print is that it's not limited to one type of cloth; there are many different ways that you can use it. It is mostly used to create custom clothing or as costumes, such as uniforms for festivals. In Africa, it is popular among people of all races and ages, especially because most people are able to relate to the African style.

Final Thoughts

With so many advantages, there are many different ways that you can incorporate it into your personal style. If you like having a fashionable look, then I would recommend Ankara cloth as your go-to fabric for making clothes and accessories. The nice thing about this fabric is that you can use it on various occasions because it can be worn for parties and weddings – giving you the chance to look good no matter what event is coming up. If you are interested in learning more about the subject or want to get your hands on the best Ankara Print in town, visit Chocolate Boy Ltd.

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